Waiver for Kevin Lanouette from Regional Participation for 2016 Nationals

EB #37-16

Motion:   by Don Yelle, New England Regional Director, seconded by Frank Phillips, Vice President, to waive the requirements from Regional Championship for Kevin Lanouette to participate for 2016 Nationals

Background:  Kevin Lanouette is requesting a waiver from regional participation for 2016 Nationals. His dog incurred a pinched nerve injury in his back just before our New England Regionals. Under advisement from his emergency vet in williamsport pa, he had to withdraw from our Regionals. He then tried to enter the NorthEast Regionals two weeks later. After a follow up with his vet on Sept 9th, he was advised again, from his vet, to give the dog an additional 2-4 weeks off for recovery. Kevin is hoping his dog will be recovered from this injury in time for the Nationals. Kevin and Vegas have a qualifying score already from this year’s WDC. Kevin has supported our organization’s national events many times and is looking to do the same this year at the Nationals, if his dog is recovered in time. Unfortunately, as he was planning on entering our Regionals and with his dog’s injury, the team is unable to enter any of the Regionals before the Nationals. Letters from the Vet can be provided if need be.


 YES 19 (Jim Alloway; Frank Phillips; Carolyn Daniel; Sean O’Kane; Michele Scarberry; Mike Diehl; Dennis Vander Linde; Laurie Coppola; Ron Fox; Deb Krsnich; Chris Thompson; Carissa Kuehen; Mark Chaffin; Pedro Jimenez; Gail Kendall; Dean McGowan; Mark Scarberry; Don Yelle;

Nathaniel Roque—comment:  it is a verified injury with a dog that has a qualifier score earned at a national event )

 NFD 1 (Hal Lymus—comment:  A waiver from a Veterinarian should be in place prior to the competition.)

Motion Carried:  September 26, 2016