Waiver for Maria Karas from Regional Participation to Qualify for Nationals

EB #15 -14

Motion by Mark Scarberry, MER Regional Director, seconded by Michele Scarberry, Secretary, to waive the requirement to participate in a Regional Championship for Maria Karas,  in order for her to qualify for the 2014 USCA IPO3 GSD Nationals. Maria has requested a waiver from participation because of her recent surgery.  I am presenting her request for EB approval. 

Background:  My name is Maria Karas.  I am a member of the United Schutzhund Clubs of America and Mid Ohio Schutzhund club in the Mid Eastern Region.

I am writing to respectfully request a waiver to the requirement to compete in a regional championship in order to enter the 2014 USCA National Championship for medical reasons.

On Aug 11, 2014, I had a very unexpected surgery on my right ankle to repair my posterior tibial tendon.   I was hoping to put off any surgery for my injury until after the Nationals.  However, the MRI showed a complete tear of the tendon that required immediate attention.   I was in a great deal of pain, and delaying the surgery meant risking that the repair would be much more difficult or impossible.  I will not be far enough along in my recovery to be able to handle in the regionals.

I had every intention of competing in the Mid Eastern regional championship and was working hard with my dog, Iwo von der Olgameister, to prepare for the trial.  We earned our qualifying score at O.G. Buckeye’s June 2014 trial under SV  Judge Adolf Glaser.  Iwo and I competed in the 2012 and 2013 regionals, and  I was truly looking forward to competing for a third year in a row.  I am devastated that I even need to submit this request.

I ask that the EB consider my request for waiver.  If a letter from my physician is required, I will be happy to provide one.

Thank you,

Maria Karas


VOTE RESULT:  19 YES. Frank Phillips, Michele Scarberry, Dean O’Kane, Nathaniel Roque, Karen MacIntyre, Mike Diehl, Deb Krsnich, Claudia Romard, Dennis VanderLinde, Jen Aceveado, Arthur Collins, Mark Hamilton, Scott Hedger, Pedro Jimenez, Gail Kendall, Dena McGowan, Craig Paulus, Mark Scarberry, Don Yelle

1 Abstain – Jim Alloway (Maria is a club member of Jim’s)

    Motion carried August 20 2014