Waive Active USCA Judges Annual Membership Dues

EB Ballot: #11-17 

Motion by Nathaniel Roque, DOJ, and seconded by Sean O’Kane, Treasurer, to waive USCA Membership Dues for any licensed USCA Judge that judges a minimum of six (6) USCA trials in a calendar year, will have their annual USCA membership (individual or family) for the following renewal period waived.


Background: The time and efforts of our USCA judges have greatly increased over the last 5 years. It now takes much more time to judge a trial: travel, time away from their family, friends, club and dogs. USCA Judges give hundreds of hours of time committed to the organization to maintain their license now compared to previous years. Meetings, Continuing Education, usually 6-12 hr of travel if flying to get to a club trial. and much more. New judges spend thousands of their own money to attend the judge’s college and complete their apprenticeship.


This motion will help to reward those active USCA Judges that exceed the minimum required number of trials per the USCA Judges Program. (minimum is 4 per calendar year) by accepting and judging at least six (6) USCA trials. If a USCA Judge judges six (6) of more trials in a calendar year their annual dues will be waived by USCA for the next renewal period.


I believe this is a good and fair way to reward the active judges in our organization without raising the daily per diem of $ 125.00 per day that would more directly cost the clubs more to host a trial.




YES: 17 –  President Jim Alloway, Vice President Vadim Plotsker, Treasurer Sean O’Kane, Secretary Michele Clubb, DOJ Nathaniel Roque, DAL Mike Diehl, Laurie Coppola, Dennis Vander Linde, Gary McGillivary, RD’s Mark Chaffin, Don Yelle, Pedro Jimenez Jr, Carissa Kuehn, Dr Dena McGowan, Hal Lymus, Mark Scarberry, Teresa Cowart


NFD: – NBW Michele Scarberry


ABSTAIN:  RD Debra Krsnich


NO RESPONSE:  RD Chris Thompson