USCA will recognize for breed requirements, Breed Surveys and Show ratings from FCI GSD Koermeisters that are SV recognized

EB #19-13

Motion by Michele Scarberry, secretary, seconded by Frank Phillips, Vice President, to recognize for USCA breed requirements, breed surveys and show ratings from FCI GSD Koermeisters/breed masters who are SV recognized.

Background — The current wording for USCA recognition of Judges is: USCA recognized foreign judges are USCA, SV, or FCI judges from WUSV member organizations.

Currently we recognize for breed requirements, titles from USCA or SV judges. This motion is to recognize for breed requirements, breed surveys and show ratings from FCI GSD Koermeisters who are SV recognized. USCA accepts titles for sport from all FCI judges, but we only allow FCI judges from WUSV or FCI GSD organizations to judge at USCA working events. FCI GSD Breed Judges who are SV recognized, and a member of a WUSV club, should also be recognized.

Yes – (20) – P-Jim Alloway, VP-Frank Phillips, S-Michele Scarberry, T-Sean O’Kane, DOJ-Nathaniel Roque, NBW-Karen MacIntyre, DAL- Mike Diehl, Claudia Romard, Deb Krsnich,Dennis Vander Linde. RD’s – Jen Acevedo, Arthur Collins,Mark Hamilton, Scott Hedger,Pedro Jimenez, Gail Kendall, Dena McGowan,Kevin Nance, Mark Scarberry,Don Yelle 
No – (0) 
Abstain – (0) 
Needs Further Discussion – (0) 
No Response -(0) 

Motion carried 6/17/2013