USCA Judges Committee Recommendation for Level 3 Dog Aggression Sanction

EB #21-15

Motion: By Nathaniel Roque,  USCA Director of Judges, seconded by Carolyn Daniel, Secretary, to support the USCA Judges Committee recommendation Under the “USCA Dog Aggression Policy “ to impose a  Level 3 Aggression sanction against the dog “Finnegan von der Zahnburg” , Registration # AKC DN35318403, Scorebook  #33032, owned by Cheryl  Moriarity due to an unprovoked incident of aggression (bite) towards a USCA judge at a USCA Trial.

Background summary:  Based on the USCA Aggression Policy at the decision of the Director of Judges, a first or second time incident may be escalated to a more severe level of sanction if the DOJ believes that the dog involved is dangerous or unstable. This incident is much more severe than a level 1 (warning) and as Director of Judges, I made the decision to escalate this incident to a level 2 or 3 and placed the decision with the Judges Committee to make the final recommendation to the EB.  After review by the Committee and a majority vote was taken, the Committee recommends a Level 3 sanction. This dog had recently been entered in a USCA trial, and passed the BH under USCA Judge Robert Johantgen.  At this event hosted by Upper Bucks Schh Club, the handler brought the dog to have a dental notation done by Judge Karen MacIntyre after the event.  During the dental notation and ID check the dog showed no temperament problems.  As the judge was walking the dog completely unprovoked lunged and bit the judge in the leg and pulled her to the ground. The Handler had to get the dog to release by command. USCA Judge Karen MacIntyre received full grip puncture wounds to her leg that later required medical attention. This incident was also witnessed by USCA RD Don Yelle who also states it was completely unprovoked and unpredictable.  Statements were received by two additional members that did not change the conclusion and recommendation of the Judges’ Committee.

 The USCA Judges Committee recommends to impose a level 3 sanction on this dog which is a “Lifetime Ban” from entering any USCA event and will also ask for support from all AWDF member Clubs regarding this sanction.  The deciding factors considered by the Judges Committee to request support for a Level 3 Sanction vs a Level 2 Sanction is the  “unprovoked attack” and “unpredictable” behavior of the dog and the committee feels this incident could or will be repeated by the dog and due to the unpredictability would not be a training issue. In the future, because of this behavior, the dog is a potential danger to Judges, members, and others competitors at any event and allowing it to continue to compete may also put the organization at risk if an act of aggression happens in the future to the general public.

Nathaniel Roque
Director of Judges – United Schutzhund Clubs of America (USCA)
USCA – Working / Performance Dog Judge # 30,
USCA / SV – SV Licensed Trial Judge

VOTE RESULT:  20 YES Unanimous (Jim Alloway, Frank Phillips, Sean O’Kane, Carolyn Daniel, Michele Scarberry, Nathaniel Roque, Mike Diehl, Dennis Vander Linde, Laurie Copolla, Ron Fox, Jennifer Acevedo, Chris Thompson, Carissa Kuehn, Scott Hedger, Pedro Jimenez, Gail Kendall, Dena McGowan, Craig Paulus, Mark Scarberry, Don Yelle)

Motion carried:  July 21, 2015