USCA 2015 Working Dog Championship Slate of Pre-Selected Helpers

EB #06-15

Motion: by Dennis Vander Linde, Director at Large, seconded by Frank Philips, Vice President, to approve the USCA Helper Committee’s recommended slate of Pre-selected Helpers for the USCA 2015 Working Dog Championship:

Background:  Nine (9) Helpers submitted their qualifications to be considered for pre-selection to perform the helper work at the USCA 2015 Working Dog Championship.  After reviewing the qualifications of the Helpers, each Helper Committee Member confidentially provided the Helper Program Director/Committee Chair with their selected Helpers for the event.  The above referenced Helpers had the highest total number of votes.   Final selection [i.e., front-half, back-half and alternate(s)] will be determined by helper tryouts at the Championship as outlined in the USCA Helper Program.  The remaining helpers who were not pre-selected were notified by email of such, thanked for submitting their qualifications and supporting the USCA Helper Program.

VOTE RESULT:  15 YES (Jim Alloway, Frank Phillips, Carolyn Daniel, Nathaniel Roque, Mike Diehl, Dennis Vander Linde, Laurie Coppola, Ron Fox, Jennifer Acevedo, Arthur Collins, Mark Hamilton, Scott Hedger, Pedro Jimenez, Gail Kendall, Dena McGowan) 1 NFD (Sean O’Kane) 2 ABSTAIN (Michele Scarberry, Don Yelle) 2 NO RESPONSE (Craig Paulus, Mark Scarberry)

Motion carried:  February 24, 2015