To approve the date change of the RH Championship to November 14-17, 2024.

EB #04-24

EB Motion 04-24 – To approve the date change of the RH Championship to November 14-17, 2024.

Moton by Betty Thomas, SC RD, and seconded by Michele Elmore, Secretary, to approve the date change of the RH Championship to November 14-17, 2024.

Background:  The co-host club is requesting a date change.  The original dates approved by the EB under Motion 02-24 was November 7-10, 2024.

I trust this message finds you well. I am reaching out on behalf of Wild West Working Dogs of El Paso, TX  to formally request an adjustment to the scheduled date of the 2024 RH National Championship.

After a thorough review, we have identified an oversight related to the presidential election, and we recognize the importance of affording our participants the opportunity to cast their votes. Additionally, considering the logistical aspects of travel, we believe a one-week adjustment would be beneficial for all involved.

Therefore, we kindly request your approval to move the RH National Championship dates forward to November 14th through the 17th. We believe this adjustment will ensure greater participation and a smoother experience for all competitors.

We appreciate your understanding and flexibility in this matter. If you require any additional information or have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.


YES: 18 – President Vadim Plotsker, Treasurer John Kennedy, Secretary Michele Elmore, DOJ Nathaniel Roque, NBW Heidi Theis, DAL Mike Diehl, Jim Alloway, Mark Chaffin, Gary McGillivary, RD’s Don Yelle, Ben Kools, Pedro Jimenez,  Tom Miller, Richard Shook, Nelli Racsko and Robin Ayling,

No Response: 1 – RD Chris Thompson

Motion Carried February 22, 2024