Executive Board Ballots 2006
Vote results reported as Yes, No, NFD (needs further discussion), ABS (abstain), or NR (no response).
E-Ballot #28-06
(Amend Fiscal Year 2007 Budget)
Motion by Bill Plumb to amend the fiscal year 2007 legal fee budget from $3,000 to $8,000.
Vote: Yes–19 (Lyle Roetemeyer, Randall Hoadley, Sara Wallick, Bill Plumb, Mark Przybylski, Tim Burke, Al Govednik, Terry Macias, Howie Rodriguez, Nathaniel Roque, Bill Bimrose, Pia Blackwell, Uwe Doose, Steve Cobb, Vicki Keller, Randy Kromer, Lynne Lewis, Peggy Park, Mark Scarberry), No–1 (John Oliver), NR–1 (Jerrold Gray). Motion carried 1/14/07.
E-Ballot #27-06
(Approval of Executive Board Meeting Minutes)
Motion by Mike Hamilton to approve the Executive Board meeting minutes for November 2, 2005 as printed and to approve the Executive Board meeting minutes for June 3, 2006 with the correction in the report by Kelly Hope to show Jennifer Acevedo as a member of the Magazine Committee rather than Jennifer Aguilar.
Vote: Yes–21 (Lyle Roetemeyer, Nathaniel Roque, Sara Wallick, Bill Plumb, Mark Przybylski, Karen MacIntyre, Al Govednik, Mike Hamilton, Terry Macias, Howie Rodriguez, Bill Bimrose, Pia Blackwell, Uwe Doose, Jerrold Gray, Randall Hoadley, Vicki Keller, Randy Kromer, Lynne Lewis, John Oliver, Peggy Park, Mark Scarberry). Motion carried unanimously 11/8/06.
E-Ballot #26-06
(Regional Championship Entry Waiver for Mary Bowden-Evans)
Motion by Peggy Park to grant a waiver to allow Mary Bowden-Evans to enter the 2006 GSD National Championship without having participated in a regional championship. This waiver is granted due to her health, her entry will be for exhibition only, and she will not be eligible for an official placement.
Vote: Yes–21 (Lyle Roetemeyer, Nathaniel Roque, Sara Wallick, Bill Plumb, Mark Przybylski, Karen MacIntyre, Al Govednik, Mike Hamilton, Terry Macias, Howie Rodriguez, Bill Bimrose, Pia Blackwell, Uwe Doose, Jerrold Gray, Randall Hoadley, Vicki Keller, Randy Kromer, Lynne Lewis, John Oliver, Peggy Park, Mark Scarberry). Motion carried unanimously 10/27/06.
E-Ballot #25-06
(Appeal of New England Regional Director Decision)
Motion by John Oliver to overturn the decision by the regional director to suspend O.G. Wesconn Schutzhund Club for one year. I further move that O.G. Wesconn be promptly reinstated as a full-member USA club.
Background: The substantiation for my motion has been presented over and over again. The WDA paperwork for the trial in question shows that a mistake was made on the first page of the trial scoresheets, as evidenced in the documents submitted to us, and corrected on the second page, which is where the scores were placed. O.G. Wesconn Schutzhund Club and Wesconn Schaeferhund Verein have two different checking accounts at two different banks, which shows evidence of two different clubs. Both clubs have a history of hosting many events under their respective names and parent organizations.
Furthermore, it is evident that the paperwork for this trial was submitted to the WDA office and that there is not a WDA club named O.G. Wesconn Schutzhund Club, or even just O.G. Wesconn. Which further shows that the trial was held under the WDA club, Wesconn Schaeferhund Verein, and had nothing to do with the USA club, O.G. Wesconn Schutzhund Club.
The short of the matter is a mistake was made by John Henkel (the trial secretary in question) by not writing out the entire name Wesconn Schaeferhund Verein on one out of two forms, and a further mistake was made by the SV as evidenced by the confusion of someone in their office at the SV. The regional director acted without thoroughly checking the facts as to whether or not these are two different clubs. This is certainly not grounds to suspend O.G. Wesconn under the 2004 rule which we passed.
Vote: Yes–9 (Bill Plumb, Karen MacIntyre, Mike Hamilton, Uwe Doose, Jerrold Gray, Vicki Keller, Lynne Lewis, John Oliver, Peggy Park), No–11 (Lyle Roetemeyer, Nathaniel Roque, Sara Wallick, Mark Przybylski, Al Govednik Terry Macias, Howie Rodriguez, Bill Bimrose, Pia Blackwell, Randall Hoadley, Mark Scarberry), ABS–1 (Randy Kromer). Motion failed 10/31/06.
E-Ballot #24-06
(Friday/Monday Trials [Rulebook/USA Variances Addition])
Motion by Peggy Park to add the following USA Rulebook variance under trial days:
A Friday or Monday trial may be conducted in conjunction with a trial on the adjacent day of the weekend regardless of the number of dogs entered on the adjacent day. An event authorization that includes the Friday or Monday trial must have been issued; and event notice must have been given to all clubs in the respective region at least three weeks in advance of the event.
Vote: Yes–21 (Lyle Roetemeyer, Nathaniel Roque, Sara Wallick, Bill Plumb, Mark Przybylski, Karen MacIntyre, Al Govednik, Mike Hamilton, Terry Macias, Howie Rodriguez, Bill Bimrose, Pia Blackwell, Uwe Doose, Jerrold Gray, Randall Hoadley, Vicki Keller, Randy Kromer, Lynne Lewis, John Oliver, Peggy Park, Mark Scarberry). Motion carried unanimously 10/21/06.
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E-Ballot #23-06
(Appeal of New England Regional Director Decision) – Withdrawn
Motion by John Oliver to overrule the decision of the New England Regional Director to suspend O.G.
Wesconn Schutzhund Club as a USA full member club for one year. Furthermore, that, if this motion is passed by the Executive Board, O.G. Wesconn be reinstated to USA full member club status immediately following this Executive Board vote.
The evidence presented to the Executive Board proves that a mistake was made by the trial secretary when he erroneously wrote the name Wesconn on the line for the club name on one of the two forms required by WDA, but correctly wrote the full name of the WDA club, Wesconn Schaeferhund Verein, on the second form. The forms are obviously WDA forms. Furthermore, WDA lists no Wesconn or O.G. Wesconn as a WDA member club, but it does list Wesconn Schaeferhund Verein, making it obvious that O.G. Wesconn and Wesconn Schaeferhund Verein are two separate clubs in two different organizations. Therefore, no infraction of USA rules has occurred.
Motion withdrawn 10/2/06.
E-Ballot #22-06
(Amend Fiscal Year 2007 Budget)
Motion by Bill Plumb to amend the fiscal year 2007 budget to include up to $3,000 in travel expenses to send two USA judges to the FCI judges meeting. The funds will come from cash reserves.
Vote: Yes–20 (Lyle Roetemeyer, Nathaniel Roque, Sara Wallick, Bill Plumb, Mark Przybylski, Karen MacIntyre, Mike Hamilton, Terry Macias, Howie Rodriguez, Bill Bimrose, Pia Blackwell, Uwe Doose, Jerrold Gray, Randall Hoadley, Vicki Keller, Randy Kromer, Lynne Lewis, John Oliver, Peggy Park, Mark Scarberry), ABS–1 (Al Govednik). Motion carried 10/13/06.
E-Ballot #21-06
(Prohibition of Felons)
Motion by Nathaniel Roque to adopt the following resolution:
Whereas, USA has become America’s premier organization for working dog sports and working dog breeds, particularly the German Shepherd Dog;
Whereas, There are working dog breeds and activities that have attracted criminal elements and felons who may be in the working dog communities;
Whereas, USA must take steps to distance itself from criminal activities and to insure that felons are not involved with the governance and representation of the organization;
Whereas, USA cannot risk the damage to its public image and reputation in the event the actions of a felon who is identified as an officer or representative of USA become public knowledge, particularly if the publicized incident involves Schutzhund-trained and/or titled dogs;
Resolved, That the Executive Board of USA supports a bylaw amendment prohibiting individuals with felony convictions for crimes involving dishonesty (e.g., fraud, forgery, embezzlement, perjury, impersonation of a police officer, theft, etc.) from holding positions as members of the Executive Board, assistant regional directors, regional breed wardens, judges, and teaching helpers.
Vote: Yes–16 (Lyle Roetemeyer, Nathaniel Roque, Sara Wallick, Mark Przybylski, Al Govednik, Mike Hamilton, Terry Macias, Howie Rodriguez, Bill Bimrose, Pia Blackwell, Uwe Doose, Randall Hoadley, Randy Kromer, John Oliver, Peggy Park, Mark Scarberry), No–2 (Bill Plumb, Lynne Lewis), NFD–2 (Karen MacIntyre, Jerrold Gray), NR–1 (Vicki Keller). Motion carried 10/11/06.
E-Ballot #20-06
(Felons Prohibited as Executive Board/Regional Officers/Judges/Teaching Helpers) – Withdrawn
Motion by Nathaniel Roque to adopt the following resolution:
Whereas, USA has become America’s premier organization for working dog sports and working dog breeds, particularly the German Shepherd Dog;
Whereas, There are working dog breeds and activities that have attracted criminal elements and felons who may be in the working dog communities;
Whereas, USA must take steps to distance itself from criminal activities and to insure that felons are not involved with the governance and representation of the organization;
Whereas, USA cannot risk the damage to its public image and reputation in the event the actions of a felon who is identified as an officer or representative of USA become public knowledge, particularly if the publicized incident involves Schutzhund-trained and/or titled dogs;
Resolved, That the Executive Board of USA supports a bylaw amendment prohibiting individuals with felony convictions for crimes involving dishonesty (e.g., fraud, forgery, embezzlement, perjury, impersonation of a police officer, theft, etc.) from holding positions as members of the Executive Board, regional officers, judges, and teaching helpers.
Motion withdrawn 9/27/06.
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E-Ballot #19-06
(BOI Case: USA vs. O.G Wesconn Schutzhund Club)
Motion by Al Govednik to accept the recommendation of the Board of Inquiry in the case of USA vs. O.G.
Wesconn Schutzhund Club:
The BOI recommends that O.G. Wesconn Schutzhund Club should not be allowed to host any USA regional or national event for a period of one year, and also that the club be on probation for a period of two years to show whether the club can hold an event that is up to USA standards. It is recommended that the regional director monitor the club to insure compliance.
The charge of submission of scoresheets to the USA Office, received September 2, 2005, containing possible fraudulent titles is not sustained. The BOI has not been able to obtain sufficient evidence to prove conclusively that the scoresheets contained fraudulent titles.
The charge of accepting entries from one handler showing more than three dogs in the same event is sustained. O.G. Wesconn Schutzhund Club accepted entries for more than three dogs from one handler as evidenced by the scoresheets submitted for the trial. The USA General Board of Directors implemented a rule variance that allowed handlers to enter a maximum of three dogs in USA trials. Even though the submitted scoresheets were very sloppily written, it can be easily ascertained that up to six entries came from the same person. It should be noted that the scoresheets were almost unintelligible with the errors and corrections.
Vote: Yes–16 (Lyle Roetemeyer, Nathaniel Roque, Sara Wallick, Mark Przybylski, Al Govednik, Mike Hamilton, Terry Macias, Howie Rodriguez, Bill Bimrose, Pia Blackwell, Randall Hoadley, Vicki Keller, Lynne Lewis, John Oliver, Peggy Park, Mark Scarberry), No–3 (Bill Plumb, Karen MacIntyre, Uwe Doose), NFD–2 (Jerrold Gray, Randy Kromer). Motion carried 10/6/06.
E-Ballot #18-06
(2007 USA Sieger Show Co-Host)
Motion by John Oliver to approve the Breed Advisory Committee recommendation of O.G. Boston as cohost of the 2007 USA Sieger Show.
Vote: Yes–11 (Nathaniel Roque, Mark Przybylski, Karen MacIntyre, Mike Hamilton, Terry Macias, Bill Bimrose, Uwe Doose, Jerrold Gray, Vicki Keller, Lynne Lewis, John Oliver), No–5 (Al Govednik, Pia Blackwell, Randall Hoadley, Peggy Park, Mark Scarberry), NFD–4 (Sara Wallick, Bill Plumb, Howie Rodriguez, Randy Kromer), NR–1 (Lyle Roetemeyer). Motion carried 10/6/06.
E-Ballot #17-06
(Three-Day Event Authorization Revision [Rulebook/USA Variances Addition]) – Withdrawn
Motion by Mike Hamilton to allow USA full-member clubs to host three-day events in lieu of two-day events. Clubs may use Friday or Monday to host events offering performance titles and degrees awarded by USA. Performance titles such as BH, SchH/VPG, FH, IPO, and DPO must be offered on Saturday and Sunday in addition to Friday or Monday. If clubs anticipate more trial entries than can be accommodated in two days, a three-day event should be authorized with performance titles offered on both days of the weekend and the extra day intended for overflow.
Clubs are allowed to offer performance titles on Friday or Monday and just one day of a weekend if also hosting a breed show, breed survey, or seminar on the other day of the weekend. Breed shows and breed surveys must be hosted on Saturday or Sunday, while seminars may be hosted on any of the three days.
The three-day event is intended for larger events and will not be allowed unless the club has three days of activities. It is not intended to allow a club to host a trial on Friday or Monday and a one-day event on the weekend. The regional director must receive a request from the club for a three-day event, and issuance of an event authorization is at the discretion of the regional director.
Event notice must be given to all clubs in the respective region at least three weeks in advance of the event.
Background: This rule variance revision allows clubs to host seminars as part of a three-day event as well as trials, breed shows, and breed surveys.
Motion withdrawn 9/18/06.
E-Ballot #16-06
(WUSV/FCI Championship Team Eligibility)
Motion by Howie Rodriguez to approve the revised WUSV/FCI Championship Team Eligibility document submitted by the World Championship Committee.
Vote: Yes–20 (Lyle Roetemeyer, Nathaniel Roque, Sara Wallick, Bill Plumb, Mark Przybylski, Karen MacIntyre, Al Govednik, Mike Hamilton, Terry Macias, Howie Rodriguez, Bill Bimrose, Pia Blackwell, Uwe Doose, Jerrold Gray, Randall Hoadley, Randy Kromer, Lynne Lewis, John Oliver, Peggy Park, Mark Scarberry), NFD–1 (Vicki Keller). Motion carried 9/25/06.
E-Ballot #15-06
(Amend Fiscal Year 2007 Budget)
Motion by Bill Plumb to increase the fiscal year 2007 budget funds for the Judges College from $8,000 to $12,100 to cover the actual cost of the meeting. The additional funds will come from cash reserves, as the budget for the year had only a minimal surplus.
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Vote: Yes–14 (Sara Wallick, Bill Plumb, Terry Macias, Howie Rodriguez, Bill Bimrose, Pia Blackwell, Uwe Doose, Jerrold Gray, Vicki Keller, Randy Kromer, Lynne Lewis, John Oliver, Peggy Park, Mark Scarberry), No–1 (Randall Hoadley), ABS–6 (Lyle Roetemeyer, Nathaniel Roque, Mark Przybylski, Karen MacIntyre, Al Govednik, Mike Hamilton). Motion carried 9/21/06.
E-Ballot #14-06
(UKC Working Dog Judge License for Mark Przybylski) – Withdrawn
Motion by Nathaniel Roque to allow Director of Judges Mark Przybylski to accept a working dog judge license from the United Kennel Club Working Dog Program.
Motion withdrawn 9/7/06.
E-Ballot #13-06
(Approval of Karen MacIntyre as Körmeister/Breed Survey Master)
Motion by John Oliver to approve Karen MacIntyre as USA’s second Körmeister/Breed Survey Master as recommended by the Breed Advisory Committee.
Background: The USA breed program needs this. Karen has the same amount of time as a breed judge that Johannes Grewe had when Mike Hamilton appointed him as a Körmeister. She is also a performance judge and is therefore fully qualified to judge a long bite and an attack out of the blind. Karen has been asked to walk with the judge of the Kennel Group at this year’s SV Sieger Show. That is an obvious honor and acknowledgement of Karen as our USA National Breed Warden. Karen has paid her dues, done the work, shown her knowledge of the GSD, and demonstrated her dedication to USA. It is time, for the good of the GSD and in the best interests of USA, for us to have Karen as our second USA Körmeister.
Vote: Yes–18, No–1, ABS–2. Motion carried 9/7/06.
E-Ballot #12-06
(Travel Expense Reimbursement for Johannes Grewe)
Motion by Bill Plumb that USA will pay travel expenses for Johannes Grewe while accompanying and acting as translator for the USA President at the WUSV meetings in September and October 2006. Expenses not to exceed $3,500.
Vote: Yes–18 (Lyle Roetemeyer, Nathaniel Roque, Sara Wallick, Bill Plumb, Mark Przybylski, Al Govednik, Mike Hamilton, Terry Macias, Howie Rodriguez, Bill Bimrose, Pia Blackwell, Uwe Doose, Jerrold Gray, Randall Hoadley, Lynne Lewis, John Oliver, Peggy Park, Mark Scarberry), No–2 (Karen MacIntyre, Vicki Keller), NFD–1 (Randy Kromer). Motion carried 8/22/06.
E-Ballot #11-06
(2006 GSD National Championship Slate of Judges)
Motion by Sara Wallick to approve the USA Judges Committee’s recommended slate of judges for the 2006 GSD National Championship:
Tracking – Al Govednik (USA)
Obedience – Mark Przybylski (USA)
Protection – Walter Hoffman (SV)
Vote: Yes–20, ABS–1. Motion carried 6/30/06.
E-Ballot #10-06
(Clarification of H.O.T. Definition)
Motion by Mark Przybylski that to qualify as Handler Owner Trained (H.O.T.), a dog acquired by a handler/owner/trainer on or after January 1, 2006 must have been owned by that handler/owner/trainer prior to the dog reaching one year of age, and the same handler/owner/trainer must have trained and titled the dog to BH and current Schutzhund titles.
Dogs acquired prior to January 1, 2006, regardless of the age of the dog when ownership commenced, shall also be considered H.O.T. if the handler/dog team meets the previous H.O.T. criteria of being owned and trained by the handler/owner/trainer to BH and current Schutzhund titles.
The dog shall not have changed ownership at any point subsequent to acquisition by the handler/owner/trainer. Verification will be done through signed ownership transfer documents and also copies of the scorebook pages showing the titles, trial dates, and judges’ names.
Vote: Yes–18 (Lyle Roetemeyer, Nathaniel Roque, Sara Wallick, Bill Plumb, Mark Przybylski, Karen MacIntyre, Al Govednik, Terry Macias, Howie Rodriguez, Bill Bimrose, Pia Blackwell, Uwe Doose, Jerrold Gray, Randall Hoadley, Randy Kromer, Lynne Lewis, John Oliver, Peggy Park), No–2 (Vicki Keller, Mark Scarberry), NFD–1 (Mike Hamilton). Motion carried 6/28/06.
E-Ballot #9-06
(2007 Sieger Show Slate of Judges)
Motion by Karen MacIntyre to approve the Breed Advisory Committee’s recommended slate of judges for the 2007 Sieger Show:
Richard Brauch (SV)
Franz-Peter Knaul (SV)
Karl-Heinz Zygadto (SV alternate)
Erich Bösl (SV alternate)
Ernst Seifert (SV alternate)
Ricardo Carbajal (USA)
Karen MacIntyre (USA)
Mark Przybylski (USA) – Protection
Vote: Yes–21. Motion carried unanimously 6/27/06.
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E-Ballot #8-06
(Fiscal Year 2007 Budget)
Motion by Bill Plumb to approve the fiscal year 2007 budget of total income $489,100, total expenses $488,300, and net income $800.
Vote: Yes–20 (Lyle Roetemeyer, Nathaniel Roque, Sara Wallick, Bill Plumb, Mark Przybylski, Karen MacIntyre, Al Govednik, Mike Hamilton, Terry Macias, Howie Rodriguez, Bill Bimrose, Pia Blackwell, Uwe Doose, Jerrold Gray, Randall Hoadley, Vicki Keller, Randy Kromer, Lynne Lewis, John Oliver, Mark Scarberry), NR–1 (Peggy Park). Motion carried 5/28/06.
E-Ballot #7-06
(Royal Canin Sponsorship Funds Budget)
Motion by Bill Plumb to approve the following budget for the Royal Canin sponsorship funds for the period April 1–June 30, 2006. After June 30 the Royal Canin funds budget will be included in the regular budget.
North American & FH Championship – $4,000 H.O.T. Championship – $4,000 Helper Committee – $1,000 One Scheduled Regional Championship – $200
Vote: Yes–9 (Lyle Roetemeyer, Nathaniel Roque, Al Govednik, Bill Bimrose, Jerrold Gray, Randall Hoadley, Vicki Keller, John Oliver, Peggy Park), No–2 (Karen MacIntyre, Uwe Doose), NFD–6 (Sara Wallick, Bill Plumb, Mark Przybylski, Mike Hamilton, Randy Kromer, Lynne Lewis) NR–4 (Terry Macias, Howie Rodriguez, Pia Blackwell, Mark Scarberry). Motion carried 3/31/06.
E-Ballot #6-06
(2006 North American and FH Championship Slate of Judges)
Motion by Mark Przybylski to approve the USA Judges Committee’s recommended slate of judges for the 2006 North American and FH Championship:
Tracking – Doug Deacon (GSSCC/SV)
Obedience – Al Kerr (USA)
Protection – Bill Szentmiklosi (USA)
Vote: Yes–21. Motion carried unanimously 3/15/06.
E-Ballot #5-06
(2006 H.O.T./National Obedience/Youth Championships Slate of Judges)
Motion by Sara Wallick to approve the USA Judges Committee’s recommended slate of judges for the 2006 H.O.T./National Obedience/Youth Championships:
Tracking – Mike Caputo (USA)
Obedience – Mark Przybylski (USA)
Protection – Nathaniel Roque (USA)
The Obedience Championship will be judged Olympic style, as has been done in the past.
Vote: Yes–21. Motion carried unanimously 2/23/06.
E-Ballot #4-06
(Updated USA Breed Survey Regulations)
Motion by Karen MacIntyre to approve the updated USA Breed Survey Regulations as proposed by the Breed Advisory Committee.
Background: This is a complete update for translation corrections, clarifications, grammatical changes, renumbering, organizational changes, and hip certification clarification.
Vote: Yes–20 (Lyle Roetemeyer, Nathaniel Roque, Sara Wallick, Bill Plumb, Mark Przybylski, Karen MacIntyre, Al Govednik, Mike Hamilton, Terry Macias, Howie Rodriguez, Bill Bimrose, Pia Blackwell, Uwe Doose, Jerrold Gray, Randall Hoadley, Vicki Keller, Randy Kromer, Lynne Lewis, John Oliver, Mark Scarberry), NR–1 (Peggy Park). Motion carried 2/5/06.
E-Ballot #3-06
(Updated USA Breeding Regulations)
Motion by Karen MacIntyre to approve the updated USA Breeding Regulations as proposed by the Breed Advisory Committee.
Background: This is a complete update for translation corrections, clarifications, grammatical changes, renumbering, organizational changes, and hip certification clarification.
Vote: Yes–20 (Lyle Roetemeyer, Nathaniel Roque, Sara Wallick, Bill Plumb, Mark Przybylski, Karen MacIntyre, Al Govednik, Mike Hamilton, Terry Macias, Howie Rodriguez, Bill Bimrose, Pia Blackwell, Uwe Doose, Jerrold Gray, Randall Hoadley, Vicki Keller, Randy Kromer, Lynne Lewis, John Oliver, Mark Scarberry), NR–1 (Peggy Park). Motion carried 2/5/06.
E-Ballot #2-06
(National Event Slate of Judges)
Motion by Mark Przybylski that two USA judges be utilized for USA national events whenever possible; with the option of using one recognized non-USA judge in one of the three phases, and the non-USA judge rotated through the phases on a regular basis. Beginning in 2007, the USA Judges Committee will provide a possible slate of authorized USA judges for all USA national events by January 31 of the event year.
Background: It has become glaringly apparent over the past few years that the only judges we see in the stadium at our national events are SV judges, with the occasional Canadian SV judge thrown in for variety.
Executive Board Ballots–2006 6 of 6 Updated January 15, 2007 Since 2001, there have only been two USA judges in the stadium for the obedience and protection phases.
That could be construed as an insult to our fully licensed USA judges, of which many are more than qualified for the major events; and it certainly casts a cloud over all of the work they do every year officiating at the various local club trials. We need to utilize our USA judges as the ones who pick our World Team every year, exactly the same as Germany does. After all, we do not judge at their Bundessieger in any phase; not even the SV-licensed USA judges we had in our organization were ever afforded this honor. Therefore, our USA judges need to be more of a factor as well as a mainstay at our major events.
Vote: Yes–17 (Lyle Roetemeyer, Nathaniel Roque, Sara Wallick, Bill Plumb, Mark Przybylski, Karen MacIntyre, Al Govednik, Mike Hamilton, Terry Macias, Howie Rodriguez, Bill Bimrose, Pia Blackwell, Uwe Doose, Jerrold Gray, Randall Hoadley, Randy Kromer, Lynne Lewis), No–2 (Peggy Park, Mark Scarberry), NFD–2 (Vicki Keller, John Oliver). Motion carried 2/2/06.
E-Ballot #1-06
(Judge Emeritus Status for Willi Ortner)
Motion by Mark Przybylski that Willi Ortner be named a Judge Emeritus, and granted all of the privileges awarded with the title, based on his years of service as the USA Director of Judges and his standing as the first USA Judge.
Background: Willi Ortner retired just five months shy of the 15-year tenure required for Judge Emeritus status.
Vote: Yes–21 (Lyle Roetemeyer, Nathaniel Roque, Sara Wallick, Bill Plumb, Mark Przybylski, Karen MacIntyre, Al Govednik, Mike Hamilton, Terry Macias, Howie Rodriguez, Bill Bimrose, Pia Blackwell, Uwe Doose, Jerrold Gray, Randall Hoadley, Vicki Keller, Randy Kromer, Lynne Lewis, John Oliver, Peggy Park, Mark Scarberry). Motion carried unanimously 1/18/06.
Vote results reported as Yes, No, NFD (needs further discussion), ABS (abstain), or NR (no response).

Executive Board Ballots 2006