Executive Board Ballots 2005
Vote results reported as Yes, No, NFD (needs further discussion), ABS (abstain), or NR (no response).
E-Ballot #26-05
(Entry in AWDF Affiliated Breed Club Trials)
Motion by Mark Przybylski that USA will recognize titles awarded by AWDF-affiliated breed clubs. The recognition of these clubs and their judges will be considered on a club-by-club basis. The clubs to be considered will be required to have viable and comprehensive judges programs of their own, with judges who have gone through their respective programs in their entirety; and they will be required to provide a list of judges who are recognized through their respective programs. AWDF clubs must petition USA for recognition.
These AWDF-affiliated breed club judges may award titles that will be recognized exclusively for progression pertaining to performance titles (AD, B, WH, OB, TR, FH, IPO, SchH/VPG).
These titles will not be recognized for entry in the USA-GSD National Championship, which will still require a qualifying score of 270 points at a USA-sanctioned event awarded under a USA, SV, Canadian, or WUSV-affiliated judge. These titles will not be recognized for the USA SchH3 Club or the USA Sports Medals Program.
These titles will not be recognized for German Shepherd Dogs in any context that applies to breeding, breed surveys, breed shows, or registration with USA. Titles for such recognition for GSD’s must be awarded under USA, SV, Canadian, or WUSV-affiliated judges.
Vote: Yes-21 (Lyle Roetemeyer/Nathaniel Roque/Sara Wallick/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Karen MacIntyre/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Terry Macias/Howie Rodriquez/Bill Bimrose/Pia Blackwell/Uwe Doose/Jerrold Gray/Randall Hoadley/Vicki Keller/Randy Kromer/Lynne Lewis/John Oliver/Peggy Park/Mark Scarberry).
Motion carried unanimously 10/13/05.
E-Ballot #25-05
(AWMA Judges License for Nathaniel Roque)
Motion by Mark Przybylski that Nathaniel Roque be permitted to accept a working dog judges license in the AWMA (American Working Malinois Association).
Background: USA Judge Nathaniel Roque has petitioned for permission to accept a working dog judge’s license in the AWMA (American Working Malinois Association). Their President, Michael Ellis, and their current Director of Judges, Glenn Stephenson, are sponsoring him. Nathaniel Roque will also be judging the AWMA Nationals in November of this year.
I have spoken with Nathaniel about this and he says this will in no way be in conflict with his current duties as USA Vice President, Chair of the USA Helper Committee, and USA working dog judge. Nathaniel has always performed his duties with professionalism and responsibility and has never shirked from whatever USA has asked of him. He judges upwards of ten trials a year as a USA Judge, is very sought after as a judge for USA events, and is one of the most active members of the USA Helper Committee. He has assured me that USA will always come first and that he will continue to be just as active in judging USA events as he has in the past.
Due to my relationship with Nathaniel Roque over the years, and having worked with him closely on the USA Helper Committee and also as the USA Director of Judges, I feel this would be a very positive step for the two organizations involved and would like to voice my support for this action by sponsoring this motion.
Vote: Yes-20 (Lyle Roetemeyer/Sara Wallick/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Karen MacIntyre/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Terry Macias/Howie Rodriquez/Bill Bimrose/Uwe Doose/Jerrold Gray/Randall Hoadley/Vicki Keller/Randy Kromer/Lynne Lewis/John Oliver/Peggy Park/Frank Phillips/Mark Scarberry), ABS-1 (Nathaniel Roque).
Motion carried 10/12/05.
E-Ballot #24-05
(Hip Certification Clarification)
Motion by Karen MacIntyre to approve the following clarifications:
USA BREED SURVEY REGULATIONS 3. Prerequisites for Breed Survey Participation From:
3.4 An “a” stamp must be in the pedigree or an OFA passing certification must have been submitted.
3.4 Hip Certification – Dogs must have a USA-recognized hip certification with tattoo number or
Executive Board Ballots–2005 2 of 7 Updated October 14, 2005 microchip identification. Note: Check with the USA Office for a current list of recognized hip certifications.
USA BREED REGISTRY change to USA BREED REGISTRY REGULATIONS D. Breeding Regulations for USA Registered Litters From:
3. Hip Certification At time of breeding, both parents must have a USA recognized hip rating (OFA or SV).
3. Hip Certification At the time of breeding, both parents must have a USA-recognized hip rating with tattoo number or microchip identification.
Background: We have many dogs entering this country with hip certifications from other countries that would be accepted for breed surveys by the SV (list attached). Our current definition is very restrictive; only allowing the acceptance of OFA or SV “a” stamp hip certifications, when in fact we should be accepting the same certifications that the SV allows. Many older dogs have undergone anesthesia unnecessarily to get a new hip certification for a breed survey. This minor, but important, clarification to our rules should hopefully encourage more breed survey and breed registry participation without compromising our standard.
The current USA Breeding Regulations on our website and in the USA Rules and Regulations document are from 1998 and are way out of date. They are redundant and conflicting, and need to be replaced with the new USA Breed Registry Regulations (under Member News & Info) as soon as possible to avoid confusion.
The proposed change to the USA Breed Registry Regulations is necessary to reflect the change in the USA Breed Survey Regulations.
Vote: Yes-19 (Lyle Roetemeyer/Nathaniel Roque/Sara Wallick/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Karen MacIntyre/Al Govednik/Terry Macias/Howie Rodriquez/Bill Bimrose/Uwe Doose/Randall Hoadley/Vicki Keller/Randy Kromer/Lynne Lewis/John Oliver/Peggy Park/Frank Phillips/Mark Scarberry), NFD-1 (Jerrold Gray), NR-1 NR-1 (Mike Hamilton).
Motion carried 10/11/05.
E-Ballot #23-05
(Royal Canin Sponsorship Funds Budget)
Motion by Bill Plumb to approve the following budget for the Royal Canin sponsorship funds for a one-year period beginning April 1, 2005:
Taxes – $2,100 Magazine Ads – $3,000 National Events – $11,000 ($3,000 each for the GSD National Championship, North American & FH Championship, and H.O.T. Championship and $2,000 for the Sieger Show)
Regional Events – $4,400 ($200 for each regional championship and conformation show)
Judges Program – $1,000 USA World Team – $1,000 Education Events – $6,500 Helper Program – $1,000 TOTAL – $30,000
Vote: Yes-19 (Lyle Roetemeyer/Nathaniel Roque/Sara Wallick/Mark Przybylski/Karen MacIntyre/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Terry Macias/Bill Bimrose/Uwe Doose/Jerrold Gray/Randall Hoadley/Vicki Keller/Randy Kromer/Lynne Lewis/John Oliver/Peggy Park/Frank Phillips/Mark Scarberry), No-1 (Bill Plumb), NFD-1 (Howie Rodriquez).
Motion carried 9/16/05.
E-Ballot #22-05
(Youth National Championship)
Motion by Randy Kromer to initiate a Youth National Championship to be held in conjunction with the annual H.O.T. Championship and possibly other national events in the future. The championship will be for two age groups, 12 years and under and 13 through 18 years. Competitors can compete without a H.O.T.
dog, but a special award will also be given to the highest scoring H.O.T. competitor.
Vote: Yes-21 (Lyle Roetemeyer/Nathaniel Roque/Sara Wallick/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Karen MacIntyre/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Terry Macias/Howie Rodriquez/Bill Bimrose/Uwe Doose/Jerrold Gray/Randall Hoadley/Vicki Keller/Randy Kromer/Lynne Lewis/John Oliver/Peggy Park/Frank Phillips/Mark Scarberry).
Motion carried unanimously 8/23/05.
E-Ballot #21-05
(IRS Audit Expense Approval)
Motion by Bill Plumb to approve payment of up to $1,500 to our audit firm for work required to comply with an IRS audit related to fiscal year 2004 and our tax-exempt status.
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Vote: Yes-21 (Lyle Roetemeyer/Nathaniel Roque/Sara Wallick/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Karen MacIntyre/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Terry Macias/Howie Rodriquez/Bill Bimrose/Uwe Doose/Jerrold Gray/Randall Hoadley/Vicki Keller/Randy Kromer/Lynne Lewis/John Oliver/Peggy Park/Frank Phillips/Mark Scarberry).
Motion carried unanimously 8/10/05.
E-Ballot #20-05
(Approval for Helper Book Printing)
Motion by Nathaniel Roque to approve $1,943.98 for printing the new helper books.
Background: The new Helper Program required a new helper book design to allow USA to develop and track helper data (classifications and total number of dogs worked as well as seminar and evaluation attendance). This amount of $1,943.98 will cover the expense of printing 1,500 new books. About 700 or less of these books will be issued at no charge to replace current helper books for members in good standing with current membership. The remainder will be sold at the normal price of $5.00 per book, which will generate a gross amount of about $4,000. USA will show a profit of about $2,056.02 from the sale of all books from this first printing after the printing cost is paid, and all subsequent printings will show a greater profit since we will not be replacing outdated books. The Helper Program has classified more than 60 helpers in the first two months of the program (out of 450), and has received excellent support from the membership. This is a necessary cost of developing this much-needed program.
Vote: Yes-19 (Lyle Roetemeyer/Nathaniel Roque/Sara Wallick/Mark Przybylski/Karen MacIntyre/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Terry Macias/Howie Rodriquez/Bill Bimrose/Uwe Doose/Jerrold Gray/Randall Hoadley/Vicki Keller/Lynne Lewis/John Oliver/Peggy Park/Frank Phillips/Mark Scarberry), ABS-2 (Bill Plumb/Randy Kromer).
Motion carried 7/21/05.
E-Ballot #19-05
(WUSV Judges School Seminar Attendance by USA Judges)
Motion by Bill Plumb to approve spending up to $5,000 to send two USA Judges to the WUSV Judges School Seminar in Germany in July 2005.
Vote: Yes-20 (Lyle Roetemeyer/Nathaniel Roque/Sara Wallick/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Karen MacIntyre/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Terry Macias/Howie Rodriquez/Bill Bimrose/Uwe Doose/Jerrold Gray/Vicki Keller/Randy Kromer/Lynne Lewis/John Oliver/Peggy Park/Frank Phillips/Mark Scarberry), No-1 (Randall Hoadley).
Motion carried 6/22/05.
E-Ballot #18-05
(Amend Event Notification Guidelines)
Motion by Randall Hoadley to amend the notification guidelines for USA-sanctioned events to include written event notice consisting of any form of U.S. mail, electronic mail, and/or digital communication.
Notification is to be provided to all clubs in the respective region at least three weeks in advance of the event.
Event notices must contain the specific date, location, and time of the event; the judge for the event; and a contact for information. Any changes must be provided to all clubs in the region by the same means as the original notice. Electronic mail and/or digital communication must contain a copy of the notice, the date the notice was sent, and the identities (e.g., email addresses) of all recipient clubs. If a club is found to have hosted an improperly publicized USA-sanctioned event, it shall be reduced to affiliated status for one year; and shall be required to meet all the requirements once again to become a full member club.
Background: When the previous motion was made in 1987 regarding the requirement for publicizing events, the concept of digital communication had not been established. It is time to update the forms of communication to include email and digital now that we are a digital communication society, as all other USA business is handled in this manner. This motion also modifies the consequences of an improperly publicized event, as the previously stipulated consequences were excessively severe and potentially harmful to entrants who were not responsible for the error.
Vote: Yes-21 (Lyle Roetemeyer/Nathaniel Roque/Sara Wallick/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Karen MacIntyre/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Terry Macias/Howie Rodriquez/Bill Bimrose/Uwe Doose/Jerrold Gray/Randall Hoadley/Vicki Keller/Randy Kromer/Lynne Lewis/John Oliver/Frank Phillips/Mark Scarberry/Diane Vegsund).
Motion carried unanimously 6/9/05. Supersedes 1987 EBM–St. Louis (Prohibition of Unpublicized Events).
E-Ballot #17-05
(Regional Participation Waivers for USA-GSD National Championship) – Withdrawn
Motion by Vicki Keller to allow regional directors to consider the circumstances and issue a waiver, if warranted, for the required regional participation for entry in the USA-GSD National Championship.
Circumstances which would warrant a waiver would include, but not be limited to, unforeseen illness or injury of the handler or dog, unexpected job-related or family emergencies, conflicting activities on behalf of the organization (e.g. judging or teaching helper assignments), etc. Waivers shall not be unreasonably denied.
The regional director shall advise all clubs in the region of the waiver and the reasons thereof. A copy of the waiver shall be sent to the USA Office and a copy shall be retained in the official files of the region.
Motion withdrawn 5/31/05.
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E-Ballot #16-05
(Amend Event Notification Guidelines) – Withdrawn
Motion by Randall Hoadley to amend the notification guidelines for USA-sanctioned events to include written event notice consisting of any form of U.S. mail, electronic mail, or any other electronic and/or digital communication. Notification is to be provided to all clubs in the respective region at least three weeks in advance of the event. Event notices must contain the specific date, location, and time of the event; the judge for the event; and a contact for information. Any changes must be provided to all clubs in the region by the same means as the original notice. Electronic mail or other electronic and/or digital communication must contain a copy of the notice, the date the notice was sent, and the identities (e.g., email addresses) of all recipient clubs. All scores and ratings awarded at unpublicized USA-sanctioned events shall be null and void.
Background: When the previous motion was made in 1987 regarding the requirement for publicizing events, the concept of digital communication had not been established. It is time to update the forms of communication to include email and digital now that we are a digital communication society, as all other USA business is handled in this manner.
Motion withdrawn 5/25/05.
E-Ballot #15-05
(Amend Fiscal Year 2006 Budget)
Motion by Bill Plumb to amend the fiscal year 2006 budget to accommodate the USA Office rent increase of $205 per month/$2,460 per year to a total of $19,460 per year.
Vote: Yes-20 (Lyle Roetemeyer/Sara Wallick/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Karen MacIntyre/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Terry Macias/Howie Rodriquez/Bill Bimrose/Ray Blomberg/Jerrold Gray/Randall Hoadley/Vicki Keller/Randy Kromer/John Oliver/Frank Phillips/Nathaniel Roque/Mark Scarberry/Diane Vegsund).
Motion carried unanimously 5/27/05.
E-Ballot #14-05
(Fiscal Year 2006 Budget)
Motion by Bill Plumb to approve the fiscal year 2006 budget of total income $499,700, total expenses $496,600, and net income $3,100.
Vote: Yes-21 (Jim Elder/Lyle Roetemeyer/Sara Wallick/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Karen MacIntyre/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Terry Macias/Howie Rodriquez/Bill Bimrose/Ray Blomberg/Jerrold Gray/Randall Hoadley/Carl Johnson/Vicki Keller/Randy Kromer/John Oliver/Frank Phillips/Nathaniel Roque/Diane Vegsund).
Motion carried unanimously 5/5/05.
E-Ballot #13-05
(Event Authorization Processing Fees) – Withdrawn
Motion by Bill Plumb to prohibit regions from charging a fee to process event authorizations.
Background: USA clubs are required to have a trial once per year, and I feel it is wrong to charge clubs a fee to meet this requirement.
Motion withdrawn 4/19/05.
E-Ballot #12-05
(2005 H.O.T. Championship Slate of Judges)
Motion by Mark Przybylski to approve the USA Judges Committee’s recommended slate of judges for the 2005 H.O.T. Championship:
Tracking – Nikki Banfield (USA)
Obedience – Mike Hamilton (USA)
Protection – Jakob Meyer (SV)
Vote: Yes-20, ABS-1.
Motion carried 4/20/05.
E-Ballot #11-05
(Entry in AWDF Affiliated Breed Club Trials) – Withdrawn
Motion by Mark Przybylski that USA will recognize titles earned under American Working Dog Federation (AWDF) affiliated breed club judges. These titles will fall under the same guidelines as those recognized for DVG. These titles will only be recognized for progression pertaining to working titles and will not be recognized as prerequisites for breeding, breed surveys, or conformation events. Entry in the USA German Shepherd Dog National Championship will still require a qualifying score of 270 points under a USA, SV, Canadian, or USA-recognized judge. Qualifications for other national events will remain in place as currently written.
Background: The intent of this motion is to create more avenues for our members to trial and to bring added support to the AWDF as an organization.
Motion withdrawn 3/17/05.
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E-Ballot #10-05
(Rescind Tattoo Variance for German Shepherd Dogs)
Motion by Mark Przybylski that tattoos or microchips will be required for German Shepherd Dogs entered in all USA performance events effective January 1, 2006, and the identification information is to be recorded in the scorebook. Dogs of breeds other than the German Shepherd Dog will be required to have a tattoo or microchip for entry in USA national and regional events, but not for entry in USA local events. Owners of dogs with microchips are responsible for providing the identification equipment. The only change resulting from this motion will be requiring identification for German Shepherd Dogs entered in local performance events.
Background: It is necessary to rescind the USA tattoo variance for German Shepherd Dogs in order to be in compliance with the SV rule requiring tattoos or microchips for German Shepherd Dogs for all events.
WDA has already put this requirement into effect. Implementing the change January 1, 2006 will give everyone enough time to have their dogs tattooed or microchipped and to have their scorebooks updated. The tattoo variance was introduced to accommodate members with USA scorebooks issued for dogs that did not have a tattoo or microchip, and was meant to be member friendly and to give enough time to adhere to SV regulations.
Vote: Yes-17 (Jim Elder/Lyle Roetemeyer/Sara Wallick/Mark Przybylski/Karen MacIntyre/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Terry Macias/Howie Rodriquez/Bill Bimrose/Jerrold Gray/Randall Hoadley/Vicki Keller/John Oliver/Frank Phillips/Nathaniel Roque/Diane Vegsund), No-2 (Bill Plumb/Ray Blomberg), NFD-2 (Carl Johnson/Randy Kromer).
Motion carried 3/25/05. Supersedes E-Ballot #25-04
(Tattoo Variance).
E-Ballot #9-05
(Amend 2005 Budget)
Motion by Bill Plumb to amend the 2005 fiscal year budget to increase Sieger Show income by $30,000 and increase Sieger Show expenses by $26,150. This amendment to the budget is needed to accommodate the 2005 Sieger Show.
Background: These amounts are being added to already existing budgeted amounts that were expended for the fall Sieger Show. We are now having two Sieger Shows this fiscal year and we only budgeted for one.
The original budgeted amounts were $33,250 and $29,420, so the totals will now be $63,250 and $55,570.
Since we do not have budgeted funds to pay any of the bills for the spring event, according to the bylaws payment of any expenses cannot be authorized until they are included in the budget for the fiscal year.
Vote: Yes-21 (Jim Elder/Lyle Roetemeyer/Sara Wallick/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Karen MacIntyre/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Terry Macias/Howie Rodriquez/Bill Bimrose/Ray Blomberg/Jerrold Gray/Randall Hoadley/Carl Johnson/Vicki Keller/Randy Kromer/John Oliver/Frank Phillips/Nathaniel Roque/Diane Vegsund).
Motion carried unanimously 3/25/05.
E-Ballot #8-05
(Host for 2005 H.O.T. Championship)
Motion by Nathaniel Roque to accept the bid from Penn Ohio Working Dog Club to host the 2005 H.O.T.
Championship as approved by the National Events Committee.
Vote: Yes-21 (Jim Elder/Lyle Roetemeyer/Sara Wallick/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Karen MacIntyre/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Terry Macias/Howie Rodriquez/Bill Bimrose/Ray Blomberg/Jerrold Gray/Julia Grayson/Carl Johnson/Vicki Keller/Randy Kromer/John Oliver/Frank Phillips/Nathaniel Roque/Diane Vegsund).
Motion carried unanimously 3/2/05.
E-Ballot #7-05
(Breed Registry Requirements for National Event/Conformation Show Entry)
Motion by Sara Wallick to require German Shepherd Dogs entered in the USA German Shepherd Dog National Championship, the USA North American and FH Championship, or USA conformation shows to be registered with either the USA Breed Registry or the USA/SV Breed Registry effective immediately. This requirement excludes dogs under twelve months of age and dogs owned by individuals who are not permanent residents of the United States.
Background: USA is implementing its own registry, the USA Breed Registry, and this motion is intended to give USA members a choice of registering with either the USA/SV Breed Registry (as is presently required for the events) or the new USA Breed Registry in order to enter the USA German Shepherd Dog National Championship, the USA North American and FH Championship, or USA conformation shows.
Vote: Yes-19 (Jim Elder/Lyle Roetemeyer/Sara Wallick/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Karen MacIntyre/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Bill Bimrose/Ray Blomberg/Jerrold Gray/Julia Grayson/Carl Johnson/Vicki Keller/Randy Kromer/John Oliver/Frank Phillips/Nathaniel Roque/Diane Vegsund), NR-2 (Terry Macias/Howie Rodriquez).
Motion carried 2/21/05.
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E-Ballot #6-05
(2005 USA–GSD National Championship Slate of Judges)
Motion by Mark Przybylski to approve the USA Judges Committee’s recommended slate of judges for the 2005 USA German Shepherd Dog National Championship:
Tracking – Al Kerr (USA)
Obedience – Peter Jacobs (SV)
Protection – Heinz Balonier (SV)
Motion carried unanimously 2/11/05.
E-Ballot #5-05
(2005 North American and FH Championship Slate of Judges)
Motion by Mark Przybylski to approve the USA Judges Committee’s recommended slate of judges for the 2005 North American and FH Championship:
Tracking and FH – Carla Griffith (USA)
Obedience – Bill Szentmiklosi (USA)
Protection – Dirk Stocks (SV)
Motion carried unanimously 2/11/05.
E-Ballot #4-05
(Rescind Tattoo Variance) – Withdrawn
Motion by Mark Przybylski to rescind the USA tattoo variance that allowed entering dogs in local events without a tattoo or microchip. Effective January 1, 2006, tattoos or microchips will be required for all USA events, and the identification information is to be recorded in the scorebook. Owners of dogs with microchips are responsible for providing the identification equipment.
Background: It is necessary to rescind the USA tattoo variance in order to be in compliance with the SV rule requiring tattoos for all events. WDA has already put this requirement into effect. Implementing the change January 1, 2006 will give everyone enough time to have their dogs tattooed or microchipped and to have their scorebooks updated. The tattoo variance was introduced to accommodate members with USA scorebooks issued for dogs that did not have a tattoo or microchip, and was meant to be member friendly and to give enough time to adhere to SV regulations.
Motion withdrawn 2/9/05.
E-Ballot #3-05
(Payment of WUSV Invoice)
Motion by Bill Plumb to pay the WUSV invoice for 2006 membership deposit in the amount of Euro 511.
We will be required to pay the membership fee when due, and the deposit will roll over to the next year. This payment is required in order to continue to obtain SV judges for our events.
Vote: Yes-21 (Jim Elder/Lyle Roetemeyer/Sara Wallick/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Karen MacIntyre/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Terry Macias/Howie Rodriquez/Bill Bimrose/Ray Blomberg/Jerrold Gray/Julia Grayson/Carl Johnson/Vicki Keller/Randy Kromer/John Oliver/Frank Phillips/Nathaniel Roque/Diane Vegsund).
Motion carried unanimously 2/3/05.
E-Ballot #2-05
(Three-Day Event Authorizations [Rulebook/USA Variances Addition])
Motion by Mike Hamilton to allow USA full member clubs to host three-day events in lieu of two-day events. Clubs may use Friday or Monday to host events offering all performance titles and degrees awarded by USA. Performance titles such BH, SchH/VPG1-2-3, FH1-2, IPO1-2-3, and DPO (any) must be offered on Saturday and Sunday in addition to Friday or Monday. If clubs anticipate more trial entries than can be accommodated in two days, a three-day event should be authorized with performance titles offered on both days of the weekend and the extra day intended for overflow. Clubs are allowed to offer performance titles on Friday or Monday and just one day of a weekend if also hosting a breed survey or conformation show on the other day of the weekend. Breed surveys and conformation shows must be held on Saturday or Sunday.
A three-day event will not be allowed unless the club has three days of activities. It is not intended to allow a club to host a SchH/VPG trial on Friday or Monday and a one-day event on the weekend. The threeday event is intended for larger events with multiple venues. The regional director must receive a request from the club for a three-day event, and will authorize three-day events only in the cases listed above. All other USA trial regulations are applicable.
Background: This rule variance would allow clubs with historically large numbers of trial entries to accommodate more entries. It would allow entrants who work weekends as well as those who work weekdays to enter a trial without being required to take time off work. It would also allow clubs with large entries to host breed events in addition to a performance trial. The event should be a large venue to qualify for a threeday event authorization, and the regional director should be able to see from what is being offered whether it falls into the three-day category.
Vote: Yes-18 (Jim Elder/Lyle Roetemeyer/Sara Wallick/Bill Plumb/Mark Przybylski/Karen MacIntyre/Al Govednik/Mike Hamilton/Bill Bimrose/Ray Blomberg/Jerrold Gray/Carl Johnson/Vicki Keller/Randy Kromer/John Oliver/Frank Phillips/Nathaniel Roque/Diane Vegsund), NR-3 (Terry Macias/Howie Rodriquez/Julia Grayson).
Motion carried 1/18/05.
E-Ballot #1-05
(2005 Sieger Show Slate of Judges)
Motion by Karen MacIntyre to approve the Breed Advisory Committee’s recommended slate of judges for the 2005 Sieger Show:
Wilfred Scheld (SV)
Ernst Seifert (SV)
Richard Brauch (SV alternate)
Karen MacIntyre (USA)
Johannes Grewe or Ricardo Carbajal (USA alternate TBD)
Vote: Yes-20, NFD-1
Motion carried 1/15/05.

Executive Board Ballots 2005