Classifications for Members Joining from other WUSV Organizations

EB #30-15

Motion:  by Frank Phillips, Vice President, seconded by Mark Scarberry, to adopt a new procedure for Helpers coming into USCA helper program from other WUSV member Organizations.

Helpers coming in with rating of Club Basic/Entry classification recognized and awarded to applicant provided the helper meets the minimum requirements for that level as described in the USCA Helper program. Newly converted helpers must attend a USCA helper seminar to reclassify within 1 year of joining USCA.

National/Regional Classification recognized and awarded to applicant  provided the helper meets the minimum requirements for that level as described in the USCA Helper program. They must also submit a video, to the Helper committee, of them preforming Trial helper  work recorded within the last 18 months to show the helper has the  ability to be rated as Regional or National level. Newly converted helpers must attend a USCA helper seminar to reclassify within 1 year of joining USCA.

Teaching Helpers will submit the Apprentice Teaching Helper Application as outlined in the Helper Program (section 15.2)


16 YES (Jim Alloway, Frank Phillips, Sean O’Kane, Carolyn Daniel, Michele Scarberry, Nathaniel Roque, Mike Diehl, Dennis Vander Linde, Ron Fox, Jennifer Acevedo, Chris Thompson, Carissa Kuehn, Mark Chaffin, Dena McGowan, Hal Lymus, Mark Scarberry)

2 NO (Laurie Copolla, Pedro Jimenez)

2 NFD (Gail Kendall, Don Yelle)

Motion Carried:  October 26, 2015