BOI Committee Recommendation on BOI Charges Against Christopher Lucas

EB #15-16

Motion: presented by Nathaniel Roque, Director of Judges, on behalf of the Board of Inquiry Committee, and seconded by Laurie Coppola, Director at Large, to approve the Board of Inquiry’s recommendation against Christopher Lucas on Unsportsmanlike Conduct charges.

Background:  Conduct Charges were filed by Mark Scarberry (Scarberry) and Michael Diehl (Diehl) alleging that Christopher Lucas (Lucas) engaged in Unsportsmanlike Conduct that is prejudicial and detrimental to the interests of United Schutzhund Clubs of America (herein USCA)


 YES 17 (Jim Alloway, Frank Phillips, Sean O’Kane, Carolyn Daniel, Nathaniel Roque, Dennis Vander Linde, Laurie Coppola, Ron Fox, Jennifer Acevedo, Chris Thompson, Carissa Kuehn, Mark Chaffin, Pedro Jimenez, Gail Kendall, Dena McGowan, Hal Lumus, Don Yelle)

Abstain 3 (Michele Scarberry, Mike Diehl, Mark Scarbery)

Motion Carried:  April 29, 2016


BOI Charge Recommendation
BOI Charge Recommendation