Approve $20,000.00 for the Universal Sieger World Team Travel to Germany.

EB #18-16

Motion:  To approve $20,000.00 for the Universal Sieger World Team Travel to Germany.
Motion submitted by:   Mike Diehl, DAL, seconded by Michele Scarberry, NBW.
Background:  We have 5 members in good standing that meet the requirements to attend this event in Germany.  With the event just weeks away, we are asking for help to offset travel expenses so these members can represent the United States.   We did not originally budget for this event and so the need for an e ballot exists.   We have supported this team in years past and will be proposing changes in the selection process moving forward.  
YES 15  (Jim Alloway, Carolyn Daniel, Michele Scarberrry, Nathaniel Roque, Mike Diehl, Dennis Vander Linde, Laurie Coppola, Ron Fox, Chris Thompson, Carissa Kuehn, Mark Chaffin, Pedro Jimenez, Hal Lymus, Mark Scarberry, Don Yelle)
NO (Sean O’Kane) 
NFD  2 (Frank Phillips, Gail Kendall)
NO  REPLY 1 (Jennifer Acevedo)
Abstain 1 (Dena McGowan)
Motion Carried:  5-26-16