Approval of pre-selected Helpers for 2018 USCA National Conformation Show and Breed Survey

EB Ballot #03-18

EB Ballot #03-18 Approval of pre-selected Helpers for 2018 USCA National Conformation Show and Breed Survey

Motion presented by Don Yelle on behalf of the USCA Helper Committee, seconded by Michele Scarberry, NBW to approve the slate of pre-selected Helpers for the 2018 USCA National Conformation Championship

Background:  Based on the USCA Helper Program Requirements these Helpers were selected from those eligible for this Championship.  It is the intent of the USCA Helper Committee to always provide the best qualified Helpers for our Championship events. The BAC has approved the slate. Upon BAC approval, the slate is presented to the Executive Board for final approval.

Please do not vote on each Helper individually, this is a slate of candidates.   Voting is confidential.

  1. Dan Heldreth
  2. Jose Lopez
  3. Kris Taylor


MOTION PASSED February 14, 2018