Approval of 2015 Budget

EB #13 -14

EB Ballot #13-14 Approval of 2015 Budget

Motion: by Sean O’Kane Treasurer, seconded by Frank Phillips, Vice President, to approve the Predisent’s proposed 2015 Fiscal Year Budget.

Vote Result: 18 YES   (Jim Alloway, Frank Phillips, Michele Scarberry, Sean O’Kane, Nathaniel Roque, Mike Diehl, Deb Krsnich, Claudia Romard, Dennis Vander Linde, Jen Acevedo, Arthur Collins, Mark Hamilton, Pedro Jimenez, Gail Kendall, Dena McGowan, Craig Paulus, Mark Scarberry, Don Yelle)

2 No Reply: ( Karen MacIntyre, Scott Hedger)

Motion passed June 20, 2014