Translation Of Rules to Participate at the 8th WUSV World Championship

Translation of the rules to participate at 8th WUSV Universal World Championship in Diest, Belgium

Only dogs selected by their National association(s) that have as a minimum of:
– IPO3
– Qualification rating of at least Good in a show at the minimum age of 12 months
– HD & ED, A stamp on the pedigree

The 2 Siegers of 2017 have a wildcard and can be added to the normal Team selection by their association
Every handler can participate with only one dog


The judge for the show is Mr. Wehinger from Austria

The show for the Females is Friday June 22, Males is Saturday June 23

The judge for tracking is Mr.Tautz from Germany
Supervisor tracking Mr. Rook from Germany
Tracking will be on grass

The judge for obedience is Mr. Flügge from Canada
Secondary judge is Ms. Segers from Belgium


The protection judge is Mr.Vonarburg from Switzerland
The field equipment and protection arm is from Euro Joe